Hummingbird Learning Space

Learning Space is a weekly drop-in educational and language support session with qualified teachers that runs on Thursday from 6.00-7.00pm.
Whatever subject or level, young people are offered one-to-one support or work in small groups with teachers. We also offer support with applying for university or college and can help with applications and CVs.
Young refugees who we work with have come from a variety of backgrounds, some have had some education before arriving in the UK and others may have never been to school at all. In our Learning Space they have a chance to catch up if they have missed education due to fleeing their home country or language barriers and can learn more about the UK education system.
Learning Space has become one of the most successful outcomes of our Global Social Club’s youth-led approach, created in direct response to requests of our young members.
Our relaxed space is a chance for young people to bring their homework, prepare for exams and learn in addition to their regular education they receive at school or college. If young people have a specific learning interest they want to take further, our educational team can support them to find ways to do this.
If you would like to refer a young person to Learning Space then please complete the referral form here and provide as much detail as possible. The BMECP Centre can be challenging to find, so we would encourage all referers to accompany the young person/s to Learning Space on their first visit. If you have any questions about Learning Space or would like to discuss a referral then please email Hannah, Education Lead, on [email protected]
Every Thursday
6.00 pm - 7.00 pm