Young Leader Resources
Young Leaders Workbook
All the tools, tips and resources you need to complete your Young Leaders training!
What's inside?
- Weekly dairy of actvities
- The young leader toolkit
- Personal Skills development tracker

An introduction to Parliament
What does Parliament do? What is the different between the House of Lords and the Hous eof Commons? This video tells you how it all work in a quick, fun and easy to understand way.
You will learn:
- How did Parliament begin
- How Laws are made
- How you can make your voice heard
What is the House of Lords?
How do people become members of the House of Lords? This animation provides information on the routes into the House of Lords and the end of hereditary membership.
You will learn:
- How did people become Lords
- How Lords affect law change
- What's the differnece between a Lord and MP
The Story of Human Rights
Where did the idea of 'Human Rights' begin? How has it changed over history? And what work is still left to do on protecting peoples human rights?
You will learn:
- The History of human rights
- How the Declartion of Human Rights was written
- The complex issues around how Human Rights are protected in different countries
Inspiring Speeches
Martin Luther King
"I Have a Dream..."
Malala Yousafzai
One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world
Barack Obama
"Yes we can!"
Greta Thunberg
"How Dare You..."
Maya Angelou
"Still I Rise..."
Malcolm X
"Who taught you to hate"
Desmand Tutu
Rosa Parks
interview 1995